Author Topic: Trumps Disinfectant-Twitter-Good Journalism: Who's the Winner  (Read 1497 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Is the world in a better place for Trumps Covid 19 disinfectant controversy or was it a tipping point where social media and legitimate news media are continually facing off during an unprecedented crisis. Is this a big save for Trump's Mr. McGoo moment,shrewd communications strategy,or a fortunate demographic tipping point moment?

What was the net gain or loss from the fallout from Donald Trump's “musing” about injecting disinfectant into the body to kill the COVID19 Coronavirus on Thursday April 23 2020. The social media explodes and Twitter does not block the video of Trump making the statement, “ because it was deemed a wish, rather than a literal call for people to inject disinfectant.” Twitter did block #InjectDisinfectant, and #DontDrinkBeach using it's misinformation policy. Note ,also Donald Trump has 73million Twitter followers. This was also the day the US death to Covid19 hit 50,000.  All non essential business are closed as the economies of the western world have been shuttered for several weeks. Also on that same day Trump characterized his comments as “sarcasm”. This is a full blown social media viral mess. Social media is known to attract the sarcastic for sure.
After the comments by Trump, health experts warned against injecting disinfectants and that was echoed by disinfectant makers as it was said, there were many calls to clarify to poison control. Thirty people did call poison control, over fear they had ingested a household cleaner.” In a story by Elizabeth Nolan Brown, titled, No Poison Control Calls Aren't Suddenly Spiking, After Trumps Disinfectant Comment,said calls have been up since March. In short the Poison Control angle was misleading. This story gets rehashed to say calls doubled from last year 15 to 30.

The latest Trump controversy revolves around the presidents comments on disinfectants being injected into the human body. An AP story headlined,  Trump's disinfectant dangerous,Winnipeg Free Press April 25 2020. It goes on to say , “raising of far-fetched ideas for fighting COVID 19-including his latest musings about injecting disinfectants into people ...It highlights his unconventional approach to the special responsibility that comes with speaking from the presidential pulpit.” Story by Deb Riechman  and Aamer Madhani.

Sunday I turn on the cable news and in thirty seconds I sense the story has hit hysteria levels and turn it all off.

Sunday, in other news, on Fareed Zakaria GPS Bill Gates talks about his foundations plans to find a cure. Adding,the  Bill and Melinda gates Foundation is donating $250million of funding to seven promising  ideas in seven factories dedicated to creating a vaccine or cure of COVID 19.The United States and Britain have their own projects to do the same thing. If a cure or vaccine can be found ,it will likely not be in production for at least 18 months by Gates estimate due to clinical testing.

Monday hardly a word on the subject until a reporter ask Trump to talk about his comments in a late afternoon newser..the reporter is passed  with a hand wave over without an answer.The cycle is dead.

Tuesday April 29 Dr. Fauci and Donald Trump announces a promising new treatment for Covid 19, Remdesivir. This is a drug that shows that Covid 19 can be blocked , reducing the number of days before a patient can be treated from 15 days to 11 days on a ventilator. The drug is not a cure but was taken as positive news by the public just as many jurisdictions where announcing they would be starting to open for business around the the world, including the US and parts of Canada.

This is a joyful day after weeks of very sad deaths and the infection's exponential growth estimates.

In just a few days ,(thinking about author Malcolm Gladwell's book, What the Dog Saw)just what did the public see? These laid off, pressurized populations under medical and economic stress have to say, did that just happen? People are depressed and worn out and fed up with long quarantines and longer lineups for food.Bear in mind this story is running in a typical Twitter sarcasm generated media that legitimate journalism fallows. Credible news organization had to react and the story that caused the internet to run out of steam under this scrutiny, won the day. No small feat. Back in the day Twitter would be represented by tabloid press vs the broadsheets. The battle is the message, does the public really understand how it all ended. Did they see the fine points of correction of a viral Twitter event ,front page or lede TV news story.

Narratives do not exist in real life. When challenged the print media and TV news stood their ground.
There was also the narrative of the closing down of the economy. People will automatically think in political terms, Trump or anti Trump in any story and the details not so much. People lost their jobs,but in Canada are covered by a new version of welfare. The US has demonstrations, street fights, with armed protesters on the steps of state capitol buildings. Very coup like. Many in Canada are happy with wage plans. Many businesses are in trouble in both countries and many will never reopen. Real pressure from people builds around governments that are listening to science and not all of it's people. If you watch the BBC the world's poor are being pushed to a breaking point.

At this time the fear,and dumb events, turns to optimism as many provinces in Canada and more than half of the US states accelerate plans to open. That one piece of information about a new wonder drug changed everything. Even though it is just a first step to a vaccine. In another story there is a disinfecting robot that wanders hospital operating rooms and patient rooms sanitizing with UV light. The answer to the next biggest fear for patients is also solved by technology. A one two punch of optimism. All sparked by an unpopular presidents missive.

Besides a few days of chaos there is a net gain. People who were afraid and desperate got the good news they were hoping for, thanks to .... Who do we owe this to. Donald Trump, a sometimes, crazy, untrue, or sarcastic Twitter as a catalyst, does legitimate journalism get credit for being grudgingly correct.

 Is the world in a better place for the Covid 19 disinfectant controversy or was it a tipping point where social media and legitimate news media are continually facing off? Is this a big save for Trump's Mr. McGoo moment or a fortunate demographic tipping point moment. Opinion by Ken Gigliotti
P.S. A virus infects the the body. An injected vaccine kills the virus. Is the vaccine a disinfectant? Debate point.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 01:15 PM by Ken Gigliotti »

Offline Warren Toda

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The widely used Associated Press quote: "... highlighted his unconventional approach to the special responsibility that comes with speaking from the presidential pulpit" had a typo in it. Corrected version:

" ...highlighted his irresponsible approach to the special responsibility that comes with speaking from the presidential pulpit."

Most children over the age of ten(?) know not to ingest household cleaners because they know the human body is not the same as a kitchen floor.

Trump should've suggested that everyone ingest a virucide. But I doubt he's ever heard of that word. Just drive to a farm and ask them to pour you a large glass of whatever virucide they have on tap.  :P

Quote from: Ken Gigliotti
A virus infects the the body. An injected vaccine kills the virus. Is the vaccine a disinfectant?

Perhaps semantic but words are still important:

No it's not a disinfectant.

A disinfectant kills most living organisms like bacteria. (Is rat poison a disinfectant because it kills living organisms?) A disinfectant works on its own and has to be repeated over and over again. There's no immunity. (There's also a difference between a disinfectant and a sanitizer.)

A vaccine does not kill a virus because a virus is not really alive. A vaccine works with your immune system and then your immune system renders a virus inactive. Some inactive viruses aren't removed from your body but stay with you (e.g. the virus that causes chicken pox). Most, but not all, vaccines need only be used once because your immune system will take over and give you immunity.

Vaccines are proactive, disinfectants are reactive.

Would you rather be vaccinated once and get future immunity or be repeatedly disinfected every time you've been re-infected?

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Re: Trumps Disinfectant-Twitter-Good Journalism: Who's the Winner
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2020, 04:17 PM »
I wasn't really trying for a science lesson. I have never considered myself a journalist nor a writer and yes, my skills suck. Communications specialists study these events ,Journalist do not question their
own methods.
When you were looking at the subject ,I am looking for the verb. I am hoping to communicate with the next leaders, designers and policy makers for a fifth generation, the F-35 of the newspaper business. If I am saying the things I say, there must be others thinking them. This means thinking differently. I have noticed assignment editors especially at the CBC picking up on the same trends.

Journalism is in danger because times have changed and reporting has a new clear enemy.  These are hard realities. This is an exercise in thinking with a rough, real event ,after action timeline. It occurs to me that the survival of the journalism product is being eroded by digital products that greatly amplify, near news, and  overstate some facts to the point of distortion. Factoids. It is a problem of amplification that reporters rush to like firefighters to stamp out a blaze. All fires start small. I am writing about, a too often repeated timeline of a story that once again has no consequences. The trend has been repeated 11,000 times. The evil potential is not nearly realized, that leaves journalists holding the smoking bag of dog poop. A false alarm fire but content none the less.

 Donald Trump has made 11,000 tweets and has 73 million followers (big,big numbers)and most of the tweets have a merry go round effect amounted to a lot of  battle noise but no substance. It is all a tactic I suspect. Tell me who gets away with and wins by systematically overwhelming and becoming the enemy of  the news media before 2016? Trumps supporters say, they don't care what he says, they care only about what he does. So what is he doing?

The Covid19 pandemic proves that fear has to touch everyone's doorstep before it can be taken seriously. Climate change has a very similar story arc and this very smart virus is part of that arc. What is actually happening has moved to Africa and India and the West is happy to be pondering the potential fears of reopening.

Journalism needs to recognize it's real enemy and how it all works. This not just a good vs evil battle when the battle noise is the goal. The media may be the message, but the battle is the new goal. Facts don't matter in a 4 day cycle of reaction to nonsense. The process erodes credibility of legitimate reporting. The loudest voices dominates not the smartest. This is a total war of information brought on by the digital age and social media in particular. The journalist is the middleman ,the broker of facts is being pushed to extinction on a world wide scale. Journalism's goal of being local in making itself smaller when everything is getting bigger.

  Journalism relies too much on trumpeting the potential evil and extreme examples that sets up the journalistic side for failure because things rarely get to the point of maximum evil. This creates a credibility issue, with the not nearly so informed and polarized public. Journalism was right but few noticed. Most people want to think Trump told people to inject disinfectant. This is the trap journalism faces and that trap leads to extinction on a broad scale. A trap it always falls into.
New ways are needed to face social media. The Trump era has created fact checking and self monitoring of social media that was cruising along unabated since before 2016.This is good because many suspected (like myself) the anonymous online world was the ideal place to steal information and influence opinion by state actors and intelligence agencies. It also allows a way to get into the heads of the public in both good and bad ways.

Journalism is a pillar of freedom and large parts of it are heading to extinction.
Entertainment news opened the door to a powerful sarcastic social media and it ran right through it.
Donald Trump has made 11,000 tweets  and has 73million followers. His tweets have reshaped the way journalism works. Being the person who calls wolf all the time and gets slammed or is wrong about potential future consequences loses credibility.
Opinion by Ken Gigliotti -this is fun.

Offline Warren Toda

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Re: Trumps Disinfectant-Twitter-Good Journalism: Who's the Winner
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2020, 02:28 PM »
Quote from: Ken Gigliotti
I wasn't really trying for a science lesson. I have never considered myself a journalist nor a writer and yes, my skills suck. Communications specialists study these events, Journalist do not question their own methods.

When you were looking at the subject , I am looking for the verb. I am hoping to communicate with the next leaders, designers and policy makers for a fifth generation, the F-35 of the newspaper business. If I am saying the things I say, there must be others thinking them. This means thinking differently. I have noticed assignment editors especially at the CBC picking up on the same trends.

But some readers do need a science lesson (not talking about you, Ken  :) ). The Globe and Mail, the CBC and some other news media have been giving readers lessons in science, medicine, statistics and even how face masks are made.

The more you know the terminology and the science involved, the more you might understand the situation. The more you understand the situation, (hopefully) the less fear you will have. Know the science and don't rely on Trump's hunches and empty brain musings.

When they don't know a situation, people will think what they feel and that can lead to fear and panic.

A solar eclipse isn't the end of the world, it's just the moon momentarily passing between the earth and sun. A virus isn't an invisible demon moving from house to house, so you can put away the garlic and cinnamon sticks. Household disinfectant is a mix of chemicals meant to clean your floor so you shouldn't drink it to clean your body.

Newspapers can, and often should, use the language of the readers. But use that language to educate not propagate.

Donald Trump has made 11,000 tweets and has 73 million followers (big, big numbers)and most of the tweets have a merry go round effect amounted to a lot of battle noise but no substance. It is all a tactic I suspect. Tell me who gets away with and wins by systematically overwhelming and becoming the enemy of  the news media before 2016? Trumps supporters say, they don't care what he says, they care only about what he does. So what is he doing?

That's the thing. Trump doesn't have to do anything. He just has to be in the news all the time because if he's always in the news then he must be doing something. (i.e. no publicity is bad publicity).

Remember when cigarette advertisements were absolutely everywhere? See enough of them and eventually you may have wanted to smoke.

The 1979 Peter Sellers political satire Being There was about a brainless fool becoming US president. All that matters is enough people have to believe you're doing something even when you're not. You just have to be there. And Trump is there, in fact he's everywhere just like cigarette advertising.

The Covid19 pandemic proves that fear has to touch everyone's doorstep before it can be taken seriously.

It's not my problem so why should I care?

That should be the cue for journalism to take centre stage. That's certainly what photojournalism is for, to make people care.

If no one reads a newspaper and relies only on social media then where is your doorstep? In the old days, your local newspaper was your figurative doorstep. But with social media, is a person's cell phone their doorstep, their window on the world? A social media user can choose the view they want to see outside their window. Do you want an ocean view or a view of the parking lot? Newspapers often have only a view of the parking lot. (But make no mistake, there has been some really, really good pandemic coverage.)

Social media should be called Me Media. A social media user looks at Twitter and Instagram with a, "What are you going to do for me today," attitude. "How are you going to entertainment me right now?"  That's not what journalism does or at least that's what it shouldn't do.

Ask not what newspapers can do for you – ask what you can do with a newspaper. (Or something like that  :) )

Just to be old: when I was your age, we had a grade-five class that taught us to read newspapers. The teacher gave us topics to read about in that day's paper. (Back then, newspapers were delivered in the morning and in the late afternoon.) We had to bring in clippings and discuss the who-what-where-when-why of various stories.

Journalism needs to recognize it's real enemy and how it all works. This not just a good vs evil battle when the battle noise is the goal. The media may be the message, but the battle is the new goal. Facts don't matter in a 4 day cycle of reaction to nonsense. The process erodes credibility of legitimate reporting.

The loudest voices dominates not the smartest. This is a total war of information brought on by the digital age and social media in particular. The journalist is the middleman, the broker of facts is being pushed to extinction on a world wide scale. Journalism's goal of being local in making itself smaller when everything is getting bigger.

Newspapers have to be both the smartest and the loudest. Be smart by using correct terminology and the correct facts and by ignoring  online rumours. Be loud the way a lighthouse in a storm is loud. Make sense not more noise.

Facts do matter. The problem is that the media is always four days behind and trying to play catch-up.

Imagine being in a marching band behind the elephants in a parade. You're either always stepping in something or trying to avoid stepping in something. This distraction will throw off your musical performance. What to do? Somehow get ahead of the elephants so you can lead the parade and - wait for it - march to the beat of your own drum. (i.e. stop chasing Trump otherwise you end up stepping in his sh!!t).

If you can't be right, at least be loud. The loudest person gets the clicks, the subscribers, the likes, the self-validation.

Be loud to drown out the criticism, be loud so you can't hear yourself think.

New ways are needed to face social media. The Trump era has created fact checking and self monitoring of social media that was cruising along unabated since before 2016. ....

Entertainment news opened the door to a powerful sarcastic social media and it ran right through it.

Fact checking is only important to those who value facts.

When I was your age, there was news and there was entertainment. Back then, "entertainment news" was still an oxymoron.

Edit: fixed some typos

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:25 PM by Warren Toda »

Photographer in Toronto

Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Re: Trumps Disinfectant-Twitter-Good Journalism: Who's the Winner
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2020, 03:40 PM »
The problem as I see it, the reality check mechanisms for the public to use are muted,hidden and paywalled. The  premium product of newspapers is not accessible to most. Television media has an agenda but has a wide open seemingly ungoverned streaming option. A surprisingly illiberal option. News Media has been drowned out and overwhelmed in this new information rage.  Rewards are supplanted for clicks and there is uneasy chaos. There is splintering within media that should worry readers. The gaps are so big now, I don't think anyone can see the other side. It maybe that they don't want to see the other side.

 In the example I have used it is easy to see. The currency of inspirational thinking is running low. Aspirations are easy, just print more of them. Canada has chosen aspirational spending. A lot of money is being spend, many billions and more coming, for just a three month period. Does Canada  have the cash with little tax income and a very low dollar expected next year? Will the government just start borrowing more money to serve it's aspirations? There are too many cautionary signposts in plain sight and I am trying to show a few more in this post.  My clumsy writing does not negate the ideas expressed. What happens if the Covid 19 flu comes back? Like it hasn't really left.

The only thing that anchors Canadian smugness is the lack of inflation. That's it. If Canada does not borrow more  money then it will have to increase taxes possibly to Scandinavian levels. We were always heading in that direction anyway. Sales tax in Denmark is 25%, the highest income tax bracket is $65,000 and it charges 55% in income tax. Canadians pay nearly 50% in taxes now  and also carry a lot of debt. The underground economy will be turned loose,if it wasn't already. Again it comes back to cash.
Will any political party in Canada or the US actually want to win the next election,and then try to govern. Canada was nearly ungovernable with the railway shutdown and leadership at every level nowhere to be found. The Loonie was passed and passed and almost never landed anywhere. Alberta's heavy oil and the climate problems, flood,fires and what ever comes next, just didn't disappear. Then there is China,hostages,5G and farm exports.

Past generations warn, everything has a cost,nothing is free. I hear that echo from my parents and grandparents everyday. I am 66 years old, my grandparents and parents lived through the Great Depression and everyone who did was deeply scarred by it. There was a lack of cash, jobs and food, it lasted for ten years. It ended with WW2.Visitors were always asked,“ did you eat", right through to the 1960's. You just didn't know. It was a lesson to the Boomers.

The Boomers built this world anyway. They also built islands of security that are being challenged. This group has Five Eyes, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The US /Canada is not really an actual island but it is a fortress protected by thousands of kilometers of water, three formidable oceans. The US is anyway.

We have gamblers now who are making big bets with security because it's costs are a crippling reality.

The Old American West was about law and order, but the history puts order first. The US constitution
puts order, high on the list with the second amendment.

They say when a person grows up, they either learn to fight or negotiate. Canada has learned to negotiate. Canada hopes for the best but has not always prepared for the worst. This pandemic is an example. Our healthcare workers saved the day from utter chaos. This country has always fought when it has to, but it has not always been prepared to fight. The Canadian people have stepped up when ever sacrifices had to be made.

Politics and mainstream news organizations as well as mainstream entertainment have in the last few
years adopted cross over themes. Cross over aspirations and social engineering and reams an reams of advertising have created another kind of cross over. They all had good intentions but also unintended consequences.

Culture is changing fast and  streaming services and  content providers seems to be a window into a new form libertarian thinking. One that has options and moves away from television news. From the laptop to the flat screen,we find a new unregulated  media where the N-word, F-word, the C-word, extreme violence,racism, anti immigrant, anti gay,anti feminist and anti law and order themes abound. Many titles are shot in the historic time of intolerance. It must be a get out of mainstream regulation card. It is a signpost of the merging of liberal Hollywood  and the exploitative porn business just across the movie lot. And no advertising. The mass acceptance of  this cross over illiberal content provider is remarkable. I am not a prude but ,Geez, really. This is a stage of change,one of many overwhelming signposts. It is an unmistakable change,even a feminist PM seems to  have no problems with the content. If it is Canadian.

Part of the public has moved on to a willful blindness, a kind of dissociation from a all too fearful reality to an impaired living state of an uneasy calm.

It will be a miracle if the newspaper business does not collapse this year. Will North America be without newspapers? No. New leadership group will rise and a better product will emerge. That is as far as I can go with aspirational thinking. This is exhausting. Opinion by Ken Gigliotti