Annual General Meeting and election of a new president
The NPAC/APPC annual general meeting and NPOY winners announcement has been set for May 26, 2024 at 4 p.m. Pacific / 7 p.m. Eastern. The Zoom link can be found in your email, or the 2024 AGM link on the website main menu.
The evening will open with the category awards, punctuated by the AGM, followed by the top titles of Photographer of the Year, Picture of the Year, and Student Photographer of the Year.
After three years of long hours dedicated to righting the ship, the NPAC board is pleased to announce as of last year the organization is operating in the black.
This has been no easy task, and careers, life, and burnout have pulled away volunteers. As such, NPAC board president Diana Martin has announced that despite agreeing to extend her term in absence of another candidate at last year’s AGM, she will be resigning, and a new NPAC president must be elected at the May 26 AGM.
It must be stressed that while the organization has been brought back to financial stability, NPAC needs leadership and volunteers in order to to fulfill its mandate of serving and elevating photojournalism in Canada.
NPAC National Pictures of the Year Judges and upcoming winner announcements
After managing to find time in the busy schedules of three incredible photojournalists, we have completed the judging for the NPOY and Student Photographer of the Year competitions.
The judging was recorded and the videos are now being edited for imminent release along with the list of finalists in coming days.
Meet your judges:
Elsa Garrison
Known in the industry by her first name only, Elsa has the distinct honor of being the first woman staff photographer at Getty Images. Famous for capturing defining moments, Elsa brings her vision to collegiate and professional sporting events all over the globe- including some of the most preeminent events, such as the Olympics, World Series, Super Bowl, NBA Finals, US Open, FIFA World Cup, and NCAA Final Four.
Elsa lives in the New York City area and hails from the Midwest. She grew up in a small town in Minnesota, where she discovered her love of photography at an early age. As a sophomore in high school, she landed her first sports photography job working at the local paper. She continued to feed her appetite for sports photography while earning a Bachelor of Journalism at the University of Missouri – not just by pouring over copies of Sports Illustrated but working part-time with the university’s athletic department, the town paper, and the Associated Press. Elsa was hired by Allsport (a sports photo agency) soon after graduating in 1996 and continued on as staff photographer following its acquisition by Getty Images in 1998, where she continues to document sports history and actively mentor women and underrepresented photographers.
Jessica Rinaldi
Jessica Rinaldi is a staff photographer for The Boston Globe. In 2016 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Photography for The Life and Times of Strider Wolf and was also named a Pulitzer Finalist in the same category. Prior to joining The Boston Globe she spent ten years as a contract photographer for Reuters based in Boston, Dallas and New York City.
Alon Skuy
Alon Skuy is a photojournalist born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and now based in Miami Florida.
Skuy’s career has been defined by his depth and range as a news and documentary photographer. He is noted for his coverage of the 2012 Marikana Massacre, said to be the most lethal use of force by South African security forces against its own civilians since The Sharpeville Massacre of 1976. Skuy is the recipient of numerous local and international awards, including recognition by the World Press Photo Foundation, and multiple awards from the Picture of the Year International (POYI).