Author Topic: A Christmas Miracle America  (Read 1306 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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A Christmas Miracle America
« on: December 15, 2020, 02:26 PM »
A Christmas Miracle, Next Time Will Be Different America

The merry disruptor president from the corporate side,
Offered not a chicken for every pot,
But a pot for every 401K.
Compromised corporate media fought opposing daily battles,
Talk television a never ending bluster stream.
Platoons of speakers relay repeating themes.
The biggest democracy picked nearly clean of decency.
A four year daily battle. Millions of words.
They would say anything,do anything
and get next to nothing done for their pay.
Agenda pushing to the absurd.
Reporting always in the worst case.
Lies of joy from king's throne.
No one believes anything anymore.
Militias armed and permits to carry,
walk the streets looking for something worth defending.
Protesters march and anarchists hijack,
Media present but mindfully absent.
Caught up in the noise.
Everyone talking and no one listening.
Burning and looting everyday for a month.
Media rush to report, fueling the misguided rage.
Social justice vs supremacy, resulting in chaos.
Stepping backwards to status quo and no way forward.
A perfect storm, a tidal wave of discontent and dereliction of duty,
lawyers scurry with  brief cases stuffed with nonsense,
and happily bill by the hour.
Totally American. America gamed from the first tweet..

The electorate stood guard , the last line of democracy, the electors too.
A Christmas miracle.
Where was duty in the last four years.
How much warped stupidity had to be endured.
Traditions gamed.
Even  absurdity became a farce.
When it is finally done and every deadline met,
There will be a meet'en about this in this morning after, of discontent.
This states rights mess, a masked strategy, pushing all the limits of bias,
enduring hundreds of years of outrage, evil vs evil,
sane vs insane , hijacked back
and flipped to a righteous and blessed,
to an unqualified perfect union.
Next time it will be different.

By Ken Gigliotti