Author Topic: REAL Notes To Interns Squared  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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REAL Notes To Interns Squared
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:20 AM »
God ,hope the photographer you are working with doesn't have gas
and editor isn't constipated ,
 To further clarify , idealism  and cynicism exist side by side in the trade of journalism . The mystery of the calling tends to be over sold in the colleges and universities . Students  coming into the job  encounter and recognize  the paradox very early and it is confusing .
  Never has this business needed an infusion of  new ideas  than it does  today. Journalism needs the very best the next generation has to offer . The new people need to hit the ground running  and prepare  to take on  leadership rolls in the next five years .
 The demystifying of the  daily work of news gathering is a better starting point that what has been offered  in the past. This is not a normal view but one that progressive managers  will see as a strength . It is the leadership trait that has  always been sought , but the hardest to find .

Good Luck in the future .
Allow yourself to make every mistake once .
Each day starts with a blank page , and a chance to  begin again.
People in our business  are hardest on themselves , so give your self a break  every now and then.
When working by yourself , keep an ear on the police scanner. It will always give you a better story than the one you are working on.
There is nothing worse than having a major breaking news event , a block away , a mile away or a township away  while you toil  on a "hold" story. 
Breaking news is waaaay more fun , on the run and not seated.
Think beyond the petty , there are two sides to every story and usually both are right, or left.
You will find yourself on both side of the same story at different points in your career.
Don't be afraid to speak for your generation .
The last generation as said enough.
 You will learn about us and  we will learn about you.
 You will take and you will bring .
 Inform , enable , enrich and adapt.
You have the chance to change one persons life everyday , and every once and a while you will change many lives.
Your enthusiasm is inspiring .

God ,hope the photographer you are working with doesn't have gas
and editor isn't constipated ,
the entire tone  and texture of the next days effort  depends  on that certain energy , regularity and  consistency our business is famous for.
Hope and pray ,your source  doesn't have bad breath and isn't lying .Solve the riddle of ,underground everything ,and  myth of wealth in a culture with so much poverty.
Hope , always your car has gas , and carry a pencil in winter .make sure  your cell phone is on , and charged. Walk fast , drive in an safe but urgent manner . Don't touch any evidence ,don't walk through an evidence trail . When driving to a fire or  crime scene , and you have to swear , cover your mouth. Rear view mirror lip readers will always find you.
  In this business no one will ever tell you that you did a good job. Remember if you don't get criticism , if no one barks at you ,or smacks the side of your head  or  you didn't get a phone call at night  , you can sleep easily , your  job is well done .
  When you are here you are no longer a student or an intern , you are a  reporter .

« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 08:46 AM by Ken Gigliotti »