Author Topic: A message from the new Board  (Read 2014 times)

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Offline Diana Martin

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A message from the new Board
« on: June 04, 2021, 04:33 PM »
Hi NPAC members,

Wow, what a whirlwind it has been since we elected a new and expanded board at the annual general meeting (AGM) on May 30, 2021.

I realize many folks are scratching their heads wondering who Diana Martin and Linda Ritcey, your new president and vice-president, are and where they've been hiding.

I get it – it's been a hot minute since Linda and I have popped our heads up out of our respective media jobs, and some of you may be wondering what we are bringing to the board.

Linda and I have both worked for daily and weekly publications,  freelanced, are award-winning photojournalists and have been involved in several boards and not-for-profit organizations.

We are both passionate about photojournalism and the vital role it plays in recording history as it happens. Our job at NPAC is to ensure, much like our industry, the organization continues to evolve and embrace change in a positive way for our membership.

Photojournalists – whether working as a shooter for a weekly, daily, a metro, magazine as staff or a freelancer – all have the same importance within this organization. 

Much like our industry has evolved rapidly over the last decade, we feel NPAC must also grow and change to reflect the changing needs of our membership.  Most photojournalists are running side-hustles to make ends meet, expanding into multi-media and experimenting with drone opportunities within their business models.

Photojournalism doesn't stop whether you're putting your skills to work in the business sector, agriculture, or the local BIA.

We are excited to open up NPAC, and its members to new, perhaps previously undermined, opportunities to increase the demand for their skills.

How are we going to do that?

Linda's experience with not-for-profits, marketing, event and public relations is a real asset. A graduate of Loyalist College photojournalism and public relations program, Linda is continuing to build on her education by currently pursuing her degree in Media Studies at Trent University while working for the Metis Nation of Ontario as their community relations' communications director.

The woman never stops, and she's already looking into grant and sponsorship opportunities for NPAC members.

I bring my own experience as a founding member of the Great White North Workshop, with a strong focus on education and inspiration. Whether we are a new shooter or a seasoned pro, we all thrive when we continue learning and opening ourselves up to new opportunities.

I'm bringing passion, dedication and a whole lot of willingness to think outside the box, collaborate and openness to growing NPAC in a way that not only serves our members today but grows and changes to serve their needs into the future.

The rest of the new board (outlined below) also brings unique skills, passion and determination to NPAC because they see the value and the potential in the future.

For us to make NPAC what the membership needs, you have to tell us what that is.  We are here to listen, help if we can and find new solutions if the answers don't currently exist.

It's a team effort, and if the first week is any indication, this membership is fired up and ready to dig in to make change happen.

Thank you for your continued faith in NPAC. We hope to serve you well over the next two years and beyond.

AGM Synopsis:

Not only did the membership vote in favour of expanding our board to include regional representatives, but all seven positions were also filled! We didn't even have nominations for all of them when the AGM started. Talk about an excellent start for an all-new board!

NPAC members elected Ms. Diana Martin as president, Ms. Linda Ritcey as vice president, Mr. Quinn Bender as Western representative, Ms. Stacey Newman as Eastern/Central representative and M. Francis Vachon as French Canadian representative. 

Dave Chidley and past-vice president Ryan McLeod were elected as short-term co-treasurers while the board actively seeks someone with financial experience to take on the role full-time.

Crystal Schick takes her place as honours and Recognitions Chair, relieving Cole Burston of his duties.

Ali Ledgerwood remains the executive director.

Mr. Warren Toda, the Yoda of all things NPAC and photojournalism, has followed through on his oft-heard "this is my last year" claim and is handing over the reins as Website Publisher to the capable hands of Mr. Brent Calver.

We all hailed the legend of Chad Hipolito as he bid farewell to his position as Clips Contest Manager at the AGM. We hope the membership keeps the newly appointed Clip Master, Mr. Evan Buhler, pixel-deep with the best damn images produced by Canadian shooters throughout the year. 

Not to be outshone, the Social Media Curators (a.k.a. The Rulers of NPAC Instagram) are back with a vengeance, led by Mr. James Park, the MediaMixer himself and the suave Quebecois social-photog connection, Andrej Ivanov and Patrick Woodbury.

We've got some good leads on Student Liaisons for Western Canada, but like our regional directors, we'd love to have an Eastern and French student liaison. Please reach out to young graduates and students and let them know we want and value their insight.

We are looking for an administrator if you know anyone with the skills and passion for the industry.  Volunteering for this position doesn't necessarily mean you have to BE a photojournalist. Still, we are looking for folks with mad organizational skills to keep NPAC moving forward in the right direction with plenty of momentum.

Diana Martin,
NPAC President

(Edit -  added two links in the first sentence - Warren Toda)

« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 09:24 PM by Warren Toda »