Author Topic: Chronicle Herald on strike for over a year.  (Read 989 times)

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Steve Russell

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Chronicle Herald on strike for over a year.
« on: February 18, 2017, 10:10 AM »
Our friends at the Chronicle Herald have been out on strike for a year now.
It has been a nasty strike.
A strike that included all the photographers getting lay-off notices as well.
A strike that included one of the replacement scab photographers trolling them just before Christmas.

But the photo crew haven't just been walking the picket line.
They have been doing some great work.
You can follow their work and that of the other journalists on their strike news website,
Local Xpress also is on Twitter and Instagram. FOLLOW THEM

You can also support the paper through patreon, a site that allows you to contribute a monthly amount to help support their website.
A couple bucks a month can go a long way!
Local Xpress on Patreon

Lets help these photographers out!