Author Topic: No Tears for the Darkroom  (Read 1699 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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No Tears for the Darkroom
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:11 PM »
  The newspaper darkroom  was decommissioned today.
Carpenters with crowbars stood by .Gone for good .
  Photographers took one last look . It should have been a sad day . It hadn't been operating for a decade  , the machines long gone , the  tech gone , fans turned off .There were only a few photogs left that actually depended on it.
  It should have been a sad day but  there have been so many changes in the fabric of the  newspaper busines   , we just soldier on.
  Not so fast.
  Should we try to save  some of this stuff ?, was the question , What for ?,was the answer .
  This is our history , our village . The conscience of the newsroom. A place of mystery , science ,  black  magic and good karma . Triumph and tears . Walls punched , door kicked , swears and victory , great victories .
  The darkroom , an apprenticeship , a college ,a test bed , a proving ground , an improv , a place of creativity and mischief . Lots of mischief . Not a place for the humble .  It's greatest  attributed accomplishment was actually called the “hand of God “ printing technique . A time stamp ,  an  improvisation to make up for shortfalls in reproduction of the letterpress with  the cheapest newsprint   and  the cheapest ink .  Edge darkening on sixty five lines per inch reproduction , with no blacks to speak of.
  The individual pushes back against the weaknesses in  production   . Back in the day , new  and innovative technology was  for the kitchen , rewarming of leftovers or rocketing  into space. The opposite of today in a sense. “Newspaper sharp “another murky optimistic  term used in the long outdated letterpress world.
  Young turks working in a world that didn't favour them  . Like today , never caring as long as there was gas in the tank and film in the camera and  a chance to drive to the sounds of sirens. 
  Darkness bathed in red light , the sounds of a  river , water always flowing and metal tanks filled with steel reels slow sliding, inverted and tapped. Quiet , peaceful an uncomfortable place for  reporters and editors.
  “I got something for you” , said a news editor. Hey ,(don't bother me) I am processing film . You just don't mess with that , it cannot be handed off. Never turn the white light on , it was always fun to have a reporter  wander in , disoriented ,like being in a Catholic church , not knowing if you are to stand , kneel , sing or sit. I love that part to.
  That mysterious place decorated with trophies  of past elections , caps ,concert  passes  , contraband photos on the wall , only the non existent  internet could appreciate. .Two  hours of peace at the end of the day shift ,the opposite  for hell  nights  .
  The photographers encampment  at the river outside  the newsroom castle . Somewhere on the edge of Sherwood Forest. . A place  for the merry band of seers, witch doctors, alchemist fixers and their voodoo rituals .Old coffee in paper cups  and  Nikkor tanks for rattles , chemicals , ungodly buzzers  , and magic , turning “the everyday”  into gold . Turning gold into platinum   . Even back then the photog clan could predict the out come of every  newsroom thought .
  Camelot , would not float on a cloud  above  the  castle for at least twenty more years .
  The darkroom , scary cool .Images just appeared on  blank  sheets of paper , first slowly faint shadows emerging from the whiteness , faster ,shapes and tones , then magically and snapping quickly like some raging spirit  face , demented crashed  metal  , or a child flying down a hill on a sled appeared and formed fully in watery greys and blacks. I still love that part to.
  Photography is magic . Everything about is magic , not like today , fully explained in pixels and mastered in  Photoshop. Taken for granted . Coolness of spirit stealing gone . Just hit the button.  It is  about fast and faster.
  There was a  mad-dog  photog yoga , contorting ,the  Japanese shadow dance of hands and fingers   burning and dodging sideways on and Omega enlarger .Ancient tools , a coat hanger with a cardboard circle taped to it for dodging a face . The full moon ,on  a wand , eclipsing enlarger light  made  20 years earlier. The  wire was too thick and primitive and yet the carries mystical  power  no one would mess with or delete . Just don't leave in one place too long , keep it moving. The skill of an ancient passed on. Even Photoshop pays homage to the shape with a  symbol .There was a mysterious  cardboard square with a paper wheel fastened by a split pin with the shapes of various balls , rectangles and a hockey puck , it was said a puck could be placed any where it was needed . A painters water colour box with just grey shades  and black,  a thin brush for spotting , nose grease could erase a negative scratch or soft focus a lens. The urge to fix ,cheat ,  always present.
  Chemicals and silver  in water just flowed down the drain , a dirty process . That dirty process now originates in dark and mysterious African resource wars feeding technology chips .
  If a print or film was washing , it was time for a coffee break with the guys at 3:30 . A social occasion  with the night shooter, bitching about the impossible tasks he was given . But every night it all got done . The things that never change , caffeinated bitching brings unity .
  Washing negs , washing prints , if you were lucky  , no film scrap or  paper sheet would make it's way over a drain and flood the darkroom and  cafeteria below.
  Smokers still smoked in the newsroom ,with piles and piles of newsprint everywhere , and yet never a fire, ever . Some would fall over drunk but never start a fire .
  The darkroom a place to party at Christmas and  New Years , beer and chips  and everyone went. No one ever  asked why the booze was hidden in the darkroom  with the  M.E. and city editors in there to. White lights on. A place with a fridge , for film . Never, ever had film in it.
  The darkroom our village , just outside the fort . Comfortable , quiet , apart and liking it . Not far , the nocturnal sports village . Empty desks by day , wild a rocking , loud at night. No TV they just created it  .
  Photographers ,one in   sharp suit another  a tie , others  in blue jeans & ball caps , some earnestly needing a hair cut , mostly misfits , rule breakers  , type A and B , many  left wing , all visualists , quick draw artists ,  and adrenaline junkies addicted to the the “new' and the chase . Journalism a byproduct ,  it hadn't been taught in photography  schools yet.
  The darkroom  ,a place where life’s problems got solved . Family counselling , car problems , work problems , man I just saw my first dead body . That car wreak really shook me up . What  is with that A-hole anyway ? Confrontations on the job , in the office , missed opportunities ,how the hell do you get so much out of that flash ?  My film didn't go through the camera !How did you get that picture ​, learning stealth , standing up. Restaurants , movie reviews .
  Under develop negs on bright days , over on  dark ones . Just be patient , don't take no sh!t , it don't mean nothin , just shake it off . Smile and say “Yes I can”  to that “dumb ass”  day dreamer thing,  then  later  the practical shift came on duty and “it” just  disappeared.
  Anyone could print  like a  “wanna be “Ansel Adams or Eugene Smith , or rocking the print like Magnum. In a darkroom  a person could dream big . Shadow puppet highlights and fingers in the heated  developer , rubbing the blacks to get it just right . A darkroom tech would come when  machines developed  negs and prints. Things started to get busier and they wanted photogs on the street and their film in the village.
  The darkroom , a place to learn to “fit in “ , be a photographer and a member of the tribe . Many working and sharing the same space .
  This is our art , our mission .  That rich history shared and passed on from village elders , and hunter  journeymen .
  A place to learn consistency and reliability , there are too many places to screw up . Rolling film onto steel reels has its perils . If it didn't feel right , you just did it again and again , grasshopper .This is the “Karate Kid” version of ,”wax on wax off” , learn , trust and discipline . Rolling steel reels , taking temperatures , mixing chemicals , organizing your stuff , being in the dark, timing everything . It is all crazy Zen monotony,  for the life of a monk photographer . It connects generations of newspaper photographers . (Most of the WW2  D-Day invasion negatives were destroyed in  a darkroom negative drier.)
  When the business cycle of Big Paper/ Small Paper turned against  and demoralized the  photographer clan , those  two or three who knew the Zen Secrets of the STEEL REELs kept a beachhead against  inevitable ,anger  ,destructive laziness and decline . One would always say ,”this is a good job” and “Where else could you... (add one hundred things) , “you know most people sit at desks all day ...”( name one thing )The others would nod.
  You can't get mixed up in a darkroom ,thinking clearly is everything .  Exposed film roll leaders are bent back , pushed film has a bite mark on the spool . In a pinch start the pushed and then add the regular  reels to the big tank . Even though our world may be up side down and backwards and we spend too much time in the dark ,we still see straight and clear and the subject presents ,what it presents . Even though a reporter can say the public was breaking down the doors of city hall , they actually have to be breaking down a door for a photo to work. The picture grounds the story , takes away suspicion . There were people at the meeting , they too are witness.
  The darkroom is gone , the fabric  of  newsroom power begins to be dismantled ,piece  by piece . No one notices ,or cares . It is still a good job .Digital ,Virtual rules , total faith , scarey like mutual funds .  Faith and money in the vapourous cloud. The village is abandoned now , our cars are our darkroom , cramped , uncomfortable , isolation with widows .  A darkroom with windows , homeless and  stateless and but still  free and moving . History will not catch us. We have a river of ideas  and  the forrest .
  We saved one darkroom cubical and  everything that came with it. .

PS . More , people started bringing in  small things , press passes , a donated working Rolliflex  camera , all the out dated EOS1d's from film through digital bone yard , old CFL press books , police radios ,a drum transmitter ,  2 Leafax transmitters ( promoted from doorstop) , Canon F-1 with motors and lens . WE may have company interest in a museum spot in the building . An old composing room retiree has press  plates .It's a shrine.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 02:23 PM by Ken Gigliotti »

Offline Fred Lum

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Re: No Tears for the Darkroom
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2012, 05:22 PM »
Amen brother, but while the institutional spaces may be gone, it lives on in small corners everywhere and I'm proud to say I'm still of the diaspora that thinks coat hanger wire is just so wrong. It's now just called The Cave.

Worse thing about the loss of The Darkroom was the loss of the space where everyone gathered. There was no better crucible for newbs than The Darkroom, where staffers unleashed merciless critiques of spec offerings where withering words would send the cocky upstarts into a catatonic state.

Now we're fanned out across the city only bumping into each other occasionally...
