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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Leprechauns and White Russians in the White House
« on: February 25, 2017, 02:04 PM »
Leprechaun-os and White Russians in the White House by Ken Gigliotti

I cannot pretend to know much about the American political system but I love the history, literature and movement of the American evolution.

I see a thread in the current intriguing  political  narrative of disruption,  two things jump out. One is the attempted inversion of media from liberal/left leaning /reform, to a right leaning  individualism.

The second is the forming of a uniquely American political party with roots to the American Revolution and a sprinkling of the  Russian Revolution/civil war.

Trump is neither Republican nor Democrat but he has been both. He represents practical  hybrid thinking. He knows the expediency of business and has actual international scope. And he delegates. There is also the philosophical tie to Russia. Not a real tie. White is the colour of the party but not in an American context of race. Putin is a White Russian.

Five minutes in Wikipedia defines the the White Russian movement as conservative , accepting of autocracy , suspicious of politics and had no set plan for foreign policy , they wanted to create their own government,with leadership drawing from the military. They fought communists. Sound familiar.

Lets call Trumps new party Leprechaun-os. Mischievous and promising a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  This uniquely American version of White Russians  fought against the Red Army after the 1917 Revolution in Russia. It borrows from voluntary migrations to America of the Irish ,Scottish heritage with a hint of modern Latino.

White has connotations in the United States that likely have no bearing on the party but extreme right and media could attach itself to.

The press would normally and has always  opposed a rapid or any move to the right. The right has been mysteriously villainized since the the 1960's. The conditions for inversion of media thinking is based in conservative media already in place and bolstered by rapid digital media metrics. Complete inversion would have to occur because liberal media could never give credit to a right leaning president on principle. This is a two pronged progression to a culture shift. It is grass roots ,but it has to succeed.

The puzzle parts of this new Trump White House seems to be coming together. There is a thread of brilliance and menace. I think we are beginning to see a concerted attempt at a cultural inversion. Approval ratings rise .If culture inverts, media will soon fallow. The wild card president is his own worst enemy and the house of cards teeters precariously.

The digital age has provided disruptive tools to move vast herds of people in one direction or another. There seems to be  well thought out misdirection also going on and it is strongly  American  and original.

The constant attacks on media especially cable television and newspapers  centers around the misdirection. Trump sets the bait by calling media,”dishonest” and “crooked.” Media react as it always has in a predictable way that Trumps crew has a countermeasure for. It is a judo move that uses the medias strengths,predictability  and weaknesses against itself. The more it reports on Trump the more crooked it looks to the public.

His goal appears to create an inversion. Prior to the 1960's,media was quite conservative , the sixties brought liberalism leanings to media. Liberalism has gotten old,predicable and elitist in the minds of many voters. Liberalism has had it's chance in the minds of many , what do voters have to loose.

What would America look like with a predominantly conservative press in the majority. Media in Canada and the United States may be in the fight of its life. Leprechaun-os are uniquely American version of White Russians.

People distrusted media and newspapers , before Trump. The news business is in shambles but if it gets it's head out it's “A” could mount a Normandy like offensive instead of waiting on the beach for rescue. In my opinion , unleash the writers, the alcoholic fueled , self haters ,looser of every bar fight .(can't get into a bar fight without engagement with the public).Where is Norman Mailer or Hunter Thompson and those like them. There must be a few left baby sitting in  kindergarten newsrooms across the country.

Donald Trump is an American original in the DNA of John Wayne, Frank Sinatra , General George Patton , and Teddy Roosevelt. He has borrowed from Kennedy and Camelot with his high fashion family and Mar-a-Lao estate/spa.

Trump is a New York-er , and it is said NY'ers walk the streets looking up at the tall buildings and architecture and they just know anything is possible. Going from New York, gaining the  presidency and a South Florida estate is proof of all that.

The true trick here is that the carnival barker Trump is the distraction. He lumbers around the White House drawing daily and high profile flack from tweet-eccentric media. He gets the criticism but his own followers do not take that seriously. Some media is banned in favour of others. It is only the whining media that is offended. Media look more crooked and self centered with every day's criticism.

In the background government is working, even getting grudging approval form the media. The shadow of the mad president is large. Like Patton ,Trump is on the bench. Just like in WW2 ,the Germans like today's media obsessed with news reports of the high profile Patton after the famous slapping incident. This allowed others like low profile generals, George Marshal , Bradley ,Eisenhower and admiral Chester Nimitz in the Pacific like are slowly beginning to win the war. WW2.

What happens if Trumps team pulls it off. The media would look like elitist losers and could be ripe for inversion. Never should have taken sides any way. Trump transitions from the Mad President to the brilliant delegater CEO president like Ronald Reagan. If he doesn't blow up the world.

Media could invert to a right leaning individual style that asks , “What can you do for your country” instead of the current opposite. It could never happen in Canada , or could it? Ken Gigliotti Feb 2017

Offline Warren Toda

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Re: Leprechauns and White Russians in the White House
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 04:46 PM »
Quote from: Ken Gigliotti
... unleash the writers, the alcohol-fueled, self-haters, loser of every bar fight, (can't get into a bar fight without engagement with the public). Where is Norman Mailer or Hunter Thompson and those like them. There must be a few left babysitting in kindergarten newsrooms across the country.

After many hours of chasing the kids around and trying to prevent them from hurting themselves, babysitters sometimes get tired and fall asleep.

Photographer in Toronto

Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Re: Leprechauns and White Russians in the White House
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 09:41 AM »
The youth movement comes at the wrong time for newspapers and the timing is being exploited to cut wages. A labour cost correction is in play. For newspapers the last hired are the first to go but younger people are getting a chance. Television is the most visible youth movement and young reporters are rising to the  challenge. But just look at the scrums. TV shooters have often complained of babysitting because the job nuances fall to the other person in the truck.

My point is that cost cutting with youth or a by a wage correction will not make newspapers “great again.”

Newspapers could-be more courageous by having “outliers” with very different writing styles. The idea of journalism as non fiction only is a mainstay hasn't been effective . Some of the best journalism is in fact fiction. The best journalism is courageous in all forms.

If we can grade newspaper products as ,white bread, whole wheat ,60% whole wheat, and a whole bunch of specialty breads then why not try WBSB. Variety in this business is lacking.

The one thing we know about newspaper readers is that they read. The downsizing of writing styles is something that may get traction if newspapers want to separate themselves in the market. This is just one aspect.

Can newspapers be “great again” will likely be in the hands of a Steve Bannon like person than anyone else currently in the publishers seat.

Newspaper journalism is very dear, it's current direction has to be more critically examined. 2020 is near.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 10:12 AM by Ken Gigliotti »