Author Topic: Canada 150 Some Party :That White Man Is Here to Help  (Read 1086 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Canada 150 Some Party :That White Man Is Here to Help
« on: July 23, 2017, 03:44 PM »
Canada 150: That Was Some Party:That White Man is Here to Help

News Photographers often see the wave tops of culture during our daily 4x30 minute relationships we have in the newspaper business. We take pictures for all departments and are chauffeuring  many reporters, dealing with many ideas. We are given the opportunity to see differently and without prejudice because we work in a structure that gives us very little power. I am not a historian just a P'ed off , rambling, retired person now. Political messaging, strange commercial media/politics , and many young voters ripe for manipulation,they won't have a chance to be their best selves.

It is said that television introduced  Americans to each other. The internet is introducing  the people of the world to each other. The continental plates of culture are moving towards each other with increasing speed, this movement is unstoppable. Completely new lines of power are forming that will have profound effects on every single person and the planet itself.

Fools around the world are finding each other also, because of this we as a nation need to our best selves.
Three stories in The Atlantic July /Aug 2017 when spliced together offer hybrid thinking ,a re-thinking major political parties in the US are considering. Media in Canada will have to catch up to some very strange  ideas about politics and power. The three stories come from the left, far right and a look at modern unions.  Some new research in the US is trying to understand Donald Trumps success will shed some light on how the next  government can be good again.
What's Wrong with the Democrats by Franklin Foer; the Democrats led by Hillary Clinton believed “A democratic wave ... would carry the party to victory, and liberalism to generate advantage.” The Democrats used a shy researcher Stanley Greenberg  to study  Macomb county near Detroit to monitor the white working class.Macomb grew distant from the “democratic” party and then furious with it.” after many elections supporting the New Deal to JFK. The findings shed new light that refutes 1960 post Civil Rights racism. There is anger with change but people get used to change and anger shifts from blacks in the 1960's, yesterday Mexicans ,today it is refugees. The findings may point to less racially directed voting.It is more about anger and being ignored than race.

A Conservative Case for Unions Atlantic Magazine story by Jonathan Ruach talks about how labour unions operate in Europe. The Canada /US union model is out dated and based on a 1950' s locally owned companies. Companies can just move if costs got to high. In Europe unions are doing different things , and still representing work forces instead of workers. This idea of recharging the union movement would have a colour blind solution for angry left behind workers.

The third story The Architect of the Right By Sam Tanenhaus, about an anti government ,Noble Prize winning economist of the 1950's and 60's who called Social Security a “ponzi scheme” , he theorized about the government obstructionism (now being done  by both parties in the US). He is against the “misguided good Samaritism ,which , by helping the unlucky, cushions them against the consequences of their bad choices.” This is not to be read by Canadian politicos , an open mind is needed. This brings people to make the changes that empower themselves and not let the state offer low grade social programs meant to stagnate populations.It brings a young persons thinking about what to do next.
For those who study politics , they will hear only dog whistles but the new way of thinking comes  from the combinations of ideas seen by new eyes not burdened by political dogma. It is happening in France with it's new rookie leader.

This is more a critical thinkers exercise. Canadians sincerely believe in consensus , but the end result is a 50-60% solution that degrades over time or political whim to 40-50% outcome. This is a bigness of country and a smallness of taxpayer issue. Our ministries , infrastructure , services have these low average outcomes from heath care, human services to basic roadwork .
There are other lines of thought that do not settle, they involve exceptionalism as a goal. It is a good goal. We are seeing the fruits of consensus politics and they are lacking.
 Canada was formed by mass ,unstoppable migrations of people , and First Nations people were in their path.  .

But let us celibate Canada 150.
Na, we just can't do that.
Just smile and say SORRY.

Canada's big birthday has caused Canadians to question themselves and  the power centres pushing them. The CBC is one of those power structures.

Could the long term goal of the CBC be, to please return  ALL of the missing parts of Canadian history for Canada 200 celebrations. The CBC is a powerful cultural force ,maybe too powerful in Canada.

Some of the best people I ever knew also suffered and over came, creating a positive legacy in this great country from 1900 to this day. To all Canadians this is personal now.
We are becoming American-like as we descend into culture change and hate. Racism is not the prime motivation, but traditional media is reckless  with the terms.

Canada was formed by mass ,unstoppable migrations of fleeing poor people seeking safety, and First Nations people were in their path. During most of the last 9000 years including the 19th and 20th century aboriginal people were independent and self sufficient.

  The CBC's dramatic narration of Canadian history, a ten part series ,mostly narrated by actors (over acted and supporting the arts,  gooey like old USSR propaganda ) called The Story of Us was released just before aboriginal protests filled the news days before Canada Day 2017 ,Canada's 150 birthday.

It really put most Canadians in no mood to celibate. Many people I talked to were bewildered and saddened by the content and that expensive day. Canada Day would never be the same.

In the end the white mans globalized industrial plan has brought only sadness, anger insecurity and a damaged planet.

Today's Racism as defined by the white man as he creates the last stall to progress. Reconciliation and an end to racism may be the only thing that can save this North American experiment. The white man now has many enemies,the security of our culture depends of being that shining city on the hill to all of humanity. 

The current thread of cultural correctness and social engineering by both government and now media is failing , voters are angry. It would be good to find out why.In the United States much thought is going into that project.

For those who study politics , they will hear only dog whistles but the new way of thinking comes from the combinations of ideas seen by new eyes not burdened by political dogma.

Canada 200 is just around the corner. Opinion by Ken Gigliotti


« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 09:28 AM by Ken Gigliotti »

Offline Warren Toda

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Re: Canada 150 Some Party :That White Man Is Here to Help
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 04:54 PM »
Quote from: Ken Gigliotti
...most Canadians in no mood to celibate.


Interesting taxi analogy. I bet an enterprising newspaper (are there any of these left?) could produce a good story around this.

Photographer in Toronto