Author Topic: How Trump Did It- Quantum Mechanics Hack and the Patch  (Read 1179 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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How Trump Did It- Quantum Mechanics Hack and the Patch
« on: January 21, 2021, 01:57 PM »
How Trump Did It- Quantum Mechanics Hack and the Patch

Donald Trump is out of the White House and it is time to really drill down on how he pulled off the great con on not only the American people but also world media. The simple answer is he hacked the system by learning  all the weaknesses exploited by all the former presidents, the weaknesses of traditional media and learning the strengths of new media.
The result was a spooky slight of hand that everyone could see but not explain.

Einstein saw the same “spooky” phenomenon in physics back in 1927. In short, he questioned how a solid could truly be solid if it was made up of atoms that had particles with space between them. The smartest people of the time were called together to solve the problems Einstein presented.
The result was the creation of quantum mechanics and the answer to the problem was “spooky”connections between two elements that effect one another in the space between them.
Unlike Einstein's common sense world where a domino would fall against each other causing the entire row to collapse he wondered how this could happened without contact.

Trump had the same mysterious understanding of news media practices and human nature gathered through the world of trial and error in business and the game show culture of television ratings and revenue combines with direct personal communications of the online Twitter platform. He also had accomplices and analyics that drew him three northern rust belt states important to the Electoral College and his 2016 win.

The result is gaming traditional news media communications with a quantum mechanics version of a hack. Trumps  election management is based on a system that thinks faster than normal systems because they are predictable and therefore vulnerable to volatile reactions by media. Trump used phrases in what Bruce Springsteen would call his “nursery mouth” suggesting a lawyer-ed vagueness tripping “dog whistle” interpretation by some and common sense aliases  to others. It is the spooky mystery  of the space between atoms that smart people in 1927 would call the “mushy middle,” held together by the  “entanglements,” of each.
The Trump hack repeats “the system is rigged,” “what do you have to lose,” I am the only one who can make “America Great Again” and susceptible  audiences hear what they know in their own experience to be true for them and hear the solution at the same time. The Trump's jet in the background and the red hat enforces the message. The media understood the message but totally missed the size of the crowd in stadiums and arena  events. They were not only very big but 'Bigly”
The “poverty of his language,” creates in media a feeling of self righteous indignation that causes them to underestimate Trump from the beginning. It is going to be “ so beautiful,” in a “bigly,”kind of way.
Media works in simple but definite language of ,ones and zeros, on or off.
Quantum computers process predictable information faster because the language is less definite working in the spaces between “on”and “off.” Way faster. This is non intuitive thinking, the basis of quantum mechanics.

Physics works in Einstein's common sense world, but he also sensed something else was in play and that was quantum mechanics,the full understanding wouldn't come till the ironic threat of the Nazis forcing him to leave Germany for America where his ideas would cause the invention of the atomic bomb ,lasers, and transistors would lead to computers. This very new and socially not well understood digital world we live in today could be exploited. The key was the understanding of entanglements filling the space between the particles of media in a political sense by Donald Trump.

Here is the current problem with news media and the combined online platforms at resulted in the hack that eventually led to the storming of the US Capitol Building. A hollow threat to democracy. An interesting experiment and a warning about technology.

I am the product of the per-political correctness time. I watched with interest, the slow and righteous inception that began and  grew slowly by increment adding layer upon layer of “entanglements,” that created mysterious and “spooky,” happenings in politics then laws and media, effecting nearly everything and everybody with real time instant communications ,monitoring and managing of thoughts and actions to the level of marketable under skin surveillance. Truth became truths and everybody had one.
Over the years so many people lost their livelihood because of an unguarded phrase uttered in a private situations that were deemed incorrect. This has accelerated to not only loss of a job but a canceling of the ability to ever work again because the search-able internet never forgets. This in another time would be a form of  fascism.

The road to”cancel culture,” passed through many years and added many layers of correctness leading to dogmatic adherence to political or religious parties or groups,to separation by ideology with polarization , to stubbornly  not hearing  different ideas enhanced by online platform reading email mail and posts to reinforce those idea by directing more similar thinking in a custom news feed for every customer. This is something never seen before,never capable of ,by any marketing device.

It binds the user to ideas groups  are susceptible to by amplifying their own entanglements and bonding single atoms of culture to create  entirely new movement that media and politics were hoping to avoid or at least kick down the road for someone else to deal with.

That time has come, the hack is exposed the patch needs to be applied. Trump is a symptom of one person in a world of hackers, so dealing with one person is not the answer.

The outiers are duped, FOX and CNN and their influence through the entanglements of revenue and ratings needs a rethink. A president from the corporate side with one willing corporate media baron and a mistaken self righteousness of the other needs to understand the damage they as protectors and pillars of freedom should know intrinsically. They were wrong and they can be be healed,just as their country needs healing. Heal thy self.

*The proof of quantum mechanics theory of entanglement came with rigorous experimentation that resulted in the simple understanding that physics should see the world as it really is and not how they wish it to be.

 The second half is the tenant of liberal values, maybe liberalism has gone to far when people stormed the Capitol Building in the US. This is not a smug statement, listening to the grievances since 2014-resulting in the 2016 election and the 2020 election miracle. This should let smart people in the world know they have been warned. Media cannot be fooled by simplistic symbols like two Confederate Flags in a sea of Trump flags no matter how “hot button” and hurtful  this distraction might be. White Supremacy is a custom hack directed to a state critical to the political balance. Thanks to mysterious if not spooky American voters who won the day to turn the tide and trajectory of America's hacked  and entangled political system.

Maria Ressa CEO of Rappler who's news organization is under bitter attack in the Philippines would repeat what many are saying about social media, it is a tool that can be used an is being used to “manufacture consensus” and manipulate the public on a massive scale and, that lies spread faster than facts. We are seeing these dark aspects of social media being marketed around the world to influence voters and manage elections. In 2017, 27 democracy's  around the world came under attack, by 2018 the number rose to 70 as social media becomes behavior modification platforms. The attack on the US Capitol is an an advertisement and endorsement for these technologies.

*The ideas expressed were inspired  by the PBS  NOVA documentary series S-46-EP-2 Einsteins Quantum Riddle. Opinion by Ken Gigliotti 2021