Author Topic: NPAC Conference - 6th Speaker Announcement - Sponsored by Sony Canada  (Read 1050 times)

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Offline Ali Ledgerwood

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  • Vancouver
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Hey all,

Excited to announce Patrick Murphy-Racey as NPAC's speaker at the NPAC Conference, sponsored by Sony Canada.

Patrick Murphy-Racey has always tried to stay on the edge of photojournalism, using different tools, mediums, and moving in and out of editorial advertising, and now doing 4K video production work.  Everything ‘PM-R” does is informed by his PJ roots.  Patrick started in newspapers, moved into magazine work, has shot over 700 assignments for Sports Illustrated, and hundreds of other publications.  Patrick has been a self-employed photographer since 1992 and will share tips about not just surviving, but staying fresh and always re-inventing as he moves forward.  PM-R has ridden his motorcycle in every Province of Canada and knows how to say, “zed."