Author Topic: The 21st century beckons  (Read 1701 times)

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Offline Warren Toda

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The 21st century beckons
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:46 AM »
Attention newspaper editors and newspaper reporters:







So please stop broadcasting the fact that you're a bunch of old cronies stuck in the 1980s and 1990s.

Headlines such as "Toronto cottage owner accused of filming..." is wrong. Statements about video "footage" are wrong.

Referring to a TTC art project as "videotaped confessions" is wrong.

Bragging that your paper's exclusive "videotape" can be viewed on Youtube is wrong.

Reporting that a suspected killer "videotaped" a murder with his cellphone and then posted the "videotape" online is wrong.

Saying that passersby "videotaped" or "taped" an event with their cellphones is wrong.

Stating that Canada Border Services is planning to use high-definition cameras to "videotape" travellers is wrong.

Reporting about the sounds of motordrives at a red carpet event is wrong.

Writing about all the flash bulbs that went off during Toronto fashion week is wrong.

I understand that no one under 35-years-old bothers to read your paper anymore. But the world is now d-i-g-i-t-a-l.

In the few years remaining before your retirement, please dust off your brain and try to keep up with the times.

 Thank you.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 01:48 AM by Warren Toda »

Photographer in Toronto

Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Re: The 21st century beckons
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 08:27 AM »
Warren you write the best stuff , I love plain language . You are more than  a pretty webpage address on the  inter web .Ideas and opinion , fire one , boom.Fire for effect , boom, boom, boom. Targets still there , crap.
 Old guys tying to sound young is usually creepy .Wouldn't want anyone to to think they are being lured . The  best thing about being old is you don't give a crap about stuff like that. We had the this 60 something  M.E. who wore a traditional business suit and overcoat  and a baseball cap to work . It just wasn't right. Gota think visual , language used is part of the word package . I am reading The Best American Sports Writing of the Century  , a collection of columns and stories  , mostly about the greatest  in sports , before the greatest in sports on TV  . The language of these eras is pretty cool and far out. These writers used words in a newspaper  that I needed to look up. No apologies, for my language ,by the way how the hell can i dust off my brain , my hair gets mussed up.I tried , really . There must be some virtual cleaners , I'll need industrial strength  , send me the site.  This century is only  12 years old ,there are  reporters  not much older than that who still need to be driven around.Not really  . Many have  concerns about the nuts , bolts and politics of the job.  Don't have to learn everything from scratch. Online doesn't GET the footdragging  by the print elite that hired them , or why  unions struggle with  them , or   why new media falls unhappily behind when it should be driving forward full throttle .The concept of "just do it , with no money" didn't come from Nike .Seriously even people under 35 are starting to dislike change . Running a business that has been in recession for 5 years , new job classifications for a money losing business that is growing but is also causing the decline of  the profitable  core business . Layoffs .Increasing expenses and ever reducing  income is causing  everything to lurch ahead , with foot on the brakes while giving it enough gas to prevent from stalling . Still trying to attract new talent while trying to retain the best  already in the camp. Yikes ! Just depressed myself , get me a drink and an antidepressant ! Yet people are still up for the challenge everyday .Hard concepts for someone  under 35. Previous language was way too strong. The idea being that people are trying to cope with print and online and the  contradictions piled on contradictions .Ownership , managers and workers are balancing on a tightrope over a very big falls made up of rising costs , and recession coupled with rapid expansion of new media .The first reaction is hard wired for cannibalism  when working to find a workable  survival  strategy is essential .WE  have to think wireless , not hard wire . This is Air Canada vs WestJet  .Revolution , Baby
The older members of every company will be gone soon enough.

The arc of a news photographer , young and dumb , fast and fearless ,
looks at the  photog ten years older , leaving a five everyday with kids that have to be picked up from school or daycare and brought to hockey , dance or what ever. The young guy snarls and spits out 9to5er.
  Ten years later , he is the guy with kids that have to  get to things .
With each generation  coming up wanting to eat the last , they end up the same .Each one takes on the characteristics of the former . They end up the same because the  walk the exact same path, they work in exactly the same system and it produces the exact same result . Systems that do not change , change people. 50% will divorce, some  will suffer from  alcoholism ,others  , if they are lucky only depression , many will just leave . So change  the systems . People in their late 50's have the hardest time with change , i noticed that 30 years ago. Things I care about deepley are   the pictures  , everything else I struggle to understand . I also try to help the new ones because this business is hard .They help me back  , just got an iPhone and people are lining up with advice . It all works in personal  systems . Yet we have to imagine a different kind of product for the future , but most cannot. I am not making any friends but there is progress. Be ready the next five years will be the hardest .
  We live in a cordial dog-eat-dog system ,and cannibalism is normal and praised . And yet we survive and thrive in the  life we choose because it beats going through the same things in other places , experiencing nothing , seeing nothing  , in a life spent  SITTING DOWN in one place .

« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 07:35 AM by Ken Gigliotti »