Author Topic: Canadian Sniper Breaks Record Being in Two Places At Once  (Read 957 times)

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Offline Ken Gigliotti

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Canadian Sniper breaks Record ,By Being In two Places at Once. Opinion Ken Gigliotti
A Canadian soldier with the JTF2 has set a new record kill shot by a sniper at 3540m (2.19965 miles) in Iraq. Canadian politicians get queezie. The politicians are asking the hard
 question about whether our soldiers are in combat or not. Canadians are supposed to be at the rear training and not leading government troops into battle.
The question is can a Canadian soldier be in two places at once. We know our training troops are near the front because two were killed in middle ground when their password failed. The middle is not the front and not at the rear. There password was set in the rear and relayed to the front , but the middle ground didn't get the message,fog of war. Friendly fire.
So it is possible for a soldiers be at the back of the so called front and fire a sniper round over the front into enemy territory and hit a combatant. The Canadian soldier is not in the combat zone but his bullet is.
This is not making light, the Canadian training soldier is trying to protect their counterparts but cannot lead them into battle. We should use the word responsibility. The trainer is in an “over watch” position ,if danger is spotted ,the “over watch” sniper has to act the  protect from afar the people he is there to train. “Over watch” does not act by it self others are involved,and a order is given to shoot. Canada has a professional army and the JTF2 are the best of the best. World best.

Is this a fine line journalists need to know? Yes because it is a fine line the Canadian public needs to know. The public needs to know their tax dollars are going to elite units are producing elite results. We should be proud that the people we send do not miss. Canadian snipers hold 3 of the top 5 sniper kill shots. The Brits are second , Canada   1st.3rd and 4th with the US 5th.

The modern battleground may get more “politics” friendly with drones. Theoretically a Canadian piloting a global tracker drone from an arm chair in Cold Lake could drop a bomb in Iraq or Mali. What is the difference? opinion by Ken  Gigliotti June 2017

« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 11:04 AM by Ken Gigliotti »