Mike Ridewood – Olympic Experience
My last few Olympic opening ceremonies have been photographed from far up in the stadium. Photographers sit in assigned seats, crammed together with their two or three cameras, multitude of lenses and a laptop. At the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, I shot this picture on film (remember film?) with an 18mm lens. Much more civilized. (Photo – Mike Ridewood)
I photographed my first winter Olympics in 1988 as a staff photographer for the Calgary Olympic organizing committee. After those Games, I knew I had caught the bug.
Since 1994, I’ve worked nine Olympics, the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Victoria, three Pan Am Games and two Canada Games.
The upcoming Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics will be my tenth Games working for the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) as one of its two team photographers. There is really nothing quite like an Olympics in the sports world. It is the most intense and satisfying 17 days you will ever experience.
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