NPAC announcing inaugural Community Visual Storytelling Grant

Dear Members,

The News Photographers Association of Canada/Association des photographes de presse du Canada is evolving to serve you better by reflecting the industry’s current state.

July 1 marks NPAC’s inaugural Community Visual Storytelling (CVS) grant launch, with full details provided during the Spring Annual General Meeting.

The CVS grant will be open to any NPAC photojournalist in good standing as of Jan. 1, 2024, through to the end of the project. CVS will provide financial assistance to the successful applicant to complete a community-based project that moves the public awareness needle.

Building on this foundation of grant-based support, NPAC will continue to develop grants with a local, national, and international lens in the coming months and years to support members better.

To be successful, NPAC requires membership participation on the Grant Development Steering Committee.

There is also a need for volunteers on the NPOY Committee as we continue to assess and review our national competition’s categories, rules, and regulations.

Members will notice slight changes in the upcoming National Pictures of the Year categories, which open on Jan. 15 and close on Feb. 15, 2023. Multimedia team and single entries will now be entered into one combined multimedia category. We eliminated the personality category and reduced the Student Photographer of the Year prize money to $500 in line with all other categories.

Diana Martin
NPAC President

Category: News