NPAC welcomes incoming president Michelle Berg

The News Photographers Association of Canada/Association des photographes de presse du Canada would like to welcome new president Michelle Berg. She takes up the mantle from outgoing president Diana Martin, who helped steer the organization out of the pandemic and back to stability.

Michelle Berg is a photojournalist and busy mother of two. She has been a staffer at the Saskatoon StarPhoenix for over a decade.

During her time with Postmedia, Berg has received numerous nominations for her work and was recognized with multiple awards including a NPAC/APPC National Pictures of the Year award for her photo story on Indian relay racing and a National Newspaper Award for a team project titled Abandoned Saskatchewan.

Berg found her passion for journalism while working as photo editor and production manager at the University of Saskatchewan student paper The Sheaf in 2007.

In 2010 she graduated from the Loyalist College photojournalism program as a “triple threat” being able to write, photograph and produce video. She landed the Montreal Gazette internship where she excelled in shooting sporting events, like the Roger’s Cup and the F1 Grand Prix.

Berg has been resilient throughout the constant change of the news industry — known to bring a calm energy to a hectic newsroom. In 2023 she documented the loss of her city’s historical newsroom and printing press.

Passionate about photojournalism and its value in capturing both the story and emotion of our time, Berg remains steadfast in advocating for the continued legacy of this important role.

She is excited to be part of NPAC as it evolves with the changing times to help the next generation find creative ways to continue doing this important work.


NPAC would also like to thank Diana Martin for her service. The past three years required long hours from the board behind the scenes to return the organization to stability. When no candidate presented in 2023, she accepted another term before making the decision to step down ahead of the 2024 AGM.

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