NPAC 2023 National Pictures of the Year NOW OPEN

Dear NPAC/APPC members,

It is that time of year again — time to enter the National Pictures of the Year contest. This year submissions can be entered from January 15 to February 15, 2024, closing at 11:59 p.m. PST

The link to submit entries will be in the receipt when you purchase entries. Before entering, please review the rules and submission guidelines at


Team and Single Multimedia have been merged, to be entered into one combined multimedia category.

Portrait and Personality have been merged, to be entered into one portrait category.

The Student Photographer of the Year prize money has been changed to $500 in line with all other categories.

New grant upcoming:

As announced in 2023, NPAC is also evolving to serve members better by reflecting the industry’s current state.

This year NPAC will be launching the Community Visual Storytelling (CVS) grant, with full details provided during the Annual General Meeting in the spring.

The CVS will be aimed at providing financial assistance to the successful applicant to complete a community-based project that moves the public awareness needle.

Building on this foundation of grant-based support, NPAC will continue to develop grants with a local, national, and international lens in the coming months and years to support members better.

To be successful, NPAC requires membership participation on the Grant Development Steering Committee.

There is also a need for volunteers on the NPOY Committee as we continue to assess and review our national competition’s categories, rules, and regulations.

Thank you and good luck!

Category: News