NPAC Forums

NPAC Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Warren Toda on January 05, 2019, 09:33 PM

Title: etaoin shrdlu
Post by: Warren Toda on January 05, 2019, 09:33 PM
If you know what "etaoin shrdlu" means then this is for you. If you worked at a newspaper last century, this should bring back some memories. If you think newspaper video started just 15 years ago then this might be for you.

Here's a New York Times video from 1978 that documents the Times' final use of hot metal typesetting.

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Title: Re: etaoin shrdlu
Post by: Warren Toda on January 05, 2019, 10:44 PM
And speaking of hot metal typesetting, here's a cautionary tale ( about the newspaper industry.

Warning: This 50-minute video has frightening scenes of a newspaper with dwindling circulation, a large newspaper chain trying to buy out the local family-run paper, and a newspaper editor who will do anything to boost sales. And yes, there's a linotype machine in there, too. Not for the faint of heart.