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First Aid training


Warren Toda:
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Partly inspired by another post. Since photographers and reporters could be one of the first people at a crash/crime scene, has your newspaper properly trained you?

I've been first on-scene at four(?) fiery car/truck crashes on busy highways in Toronto on weekday afternoons. Despite *hundreds* of vehicles slowing down to take a look and even rolling down windows to take a few quick pictures, absolutely no one else stopped to help. Was I surprised? Not at all.

Colin Corneau:
We're on our own.

Phill Snel:
Trained for first aid and CPR....but anyone can run the automated defibrillator here - it tells you what to do!

Louie Palu:
I never got any basic first aid at The Globe over 6 years. However I got a very good first aid, hostile environment course in 2006 before going to Afghanistan that The Globe paid for.


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